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The Crawl to Justice: Merck Stalls Court Case for 5 Years and Counting

Despite MMR link to Ineffectiveness,
Safety Risk for African American Males

by Lori Gregory

Merck is the World's Largest Vaccine MakerMerck Pharmaceuticals, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer and second largest drug company, continues to stonewall courts, delay judicial process and avoid answering claims that the measles and mumps portion of its measles, mumps & rubella vaccine (MMR) is unsafe and ineffective, despite charges by two of its own scientists, and a senior scientist at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.

The latest news involves the case of Merck scientists Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski who came forward five years ago and are still battling in court, demanding that Merck answer charges that it falsified data to indicate its mumps portion of the MMR is 95% effective.  In doing so, Merck avoids giving up its patent, which would open up manufacture, sale and distribution of the MMR to other drug companies.

Merck refuses to answer the charges, and continues to unsubstantiate the claim by either providing data to prove 95% effectiveness or offering to re-run the clinical trial, claiming it “cannot,” and instead will only provide data from 50 years ago.

Yet the fact that the FDA requires drug makers to prove safety and efficacy in order to maintain patent rights implies there must be data younger than 50 years available, especially since patents typically run out after 17 years.

That fact alone indicates Krahling and Wlochowski are likely making charges that are valid.

It appears the courts agree.

In a Sept. 2014 ruling, a motion to dismiss by Merck was thrown out by the judge, indicating the information that has been brought forward by Krahling and Wlochowski has merit.  Both scientists assert Merck added animal antibodies to pre- and post-vaccinated blood samples “for the singular purpose of altering the outcome of the test by boosting the amount of virus neutralization counted in the lab.  The use of animal antibodies created a high number of pre-vaccinated positive results which the defendant (Merck) then systemically destroyed or falsified in order to legitimize the use of animal antibodies.  Senior management were aware, complicit and in charge of this testing.”  (U.S. Third Circuit Court Case 2:10-cv-04374-CDJ Document 59 Filed 09/04/14 Dkt. No. 12 ¶¶ 35-45.)

The letter filed in Pennsylvania court on Monday claims Merck has been “consistently evasive” in answering the charges, and instead of providing efficacy data to the contrary, continue to use “cut-and-paste” answers from the 50-year-old data.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. Continues to Hold Drug Makers Accountable

Robert Kennedy, Jr. Continues to Hold Drug Makers Accountable

“Merck’s continued stonewalling of this court case is yet another example of how vaccine makers continue to delay the discovery process around vaccines and their safety and efficacy,” Robert Kennedy, Jr., told the MSJ Friday afternoon. “Their unwillingness to provide the court what it has been asking for all along, and the fact that it is now 5 years since both scientists bravely came forward, is unacceptable.”

Kennedy, who has been an environmental lawyer for more than 25 years, and most recently editor of the book Thimerisol: Let the Science Speak, published in August of last year, has also been a part of the collective voice that is calling for the deposition of Senior Scientist at the CDC Dr. William Thompson.

Thompson, who came forward in August 2014 and has been dubbed the “CDC Whistleblower,” is claiming that he and other scientists at the CDC falsified data in the measles portion of the MMR, which demonstrated a 336% greater chance of causing autism in African-American males who are given the vaccine under 3 years of age*.

Currently, Merck and the CDC recommend parents vaccinate their children with the MMR at age one, despite the claims of significant risk in the African-American community.  In 1989, after the supreme court gave vaccine manufacturers permanent immunity preventing Americans from suing vaccine manufacturers for injury or death caused by vaccines, a second dose was added by Merck to the CDC schedule at age 4 or 5.

The 336% at risk data for African-American males was later validated by Dr. Brian Hooker, whose independent study yielded the same results.

Yet despite repeated requests by Kennedy and other individuals including parents, none have been answered and Dr. Thompson remains at the CDC, undeposed.

Vaccine Makers' PAC, PHRMA, Gives Billions in Political Campaign Contributions

One of Merck’s political action committees is called PHRMA, which donates billions in political campaign contributions (Source: followthemoney.org)

Moreover, the delay in taking Dr. Thompson’s testimony provides Merck the opportunity to ‘spin’ the story, manipulating the narrative through media and secondary ‘infotainment’ outlets like the husband-and-wife team of Snopes.com. It also enables them time to work with their high-end public relations’ agencies like Ogilvy and Mather. (Editor’s note: the client list for Ogilvy & Mather was published in a previous MSJ story, but was taken down from the company’s website shortly after. As a result, we are redirecting you to the page above via the internet archives.)

Merck has made billions on the MMR, selling more than 500+ million doses in more than 60 countries, including enjoying a monopoly on the product in the United States and benefiting financially from multiple licensing contracts for distribution in other countries with GlaxoSmithKline Biologics, Serum Institute of India and Sanofi Pasteur.

Instead of conducting the necessary updated safety and efficacy trials, Merck instead stonewalls the courts, spends billions of dollars via direct contributions and political action committee funding (PACs) over the past 15 years, contributing to campaign financing and lobbyists on both sides of the aisle, recruiting physicians to become politicians who then push their agenda to mandate use of the vaccine on children or deny them access to an education.

Currently, there are 110 bills in 36 states that will mandate injection of the MMR vaccine in children across the nation or deprive them of access to education, including SB277 in California which has already passed the senate and is set to be reviewed by the health committee in the assembly next Tuesday.

It has already passed in Vermont, and has been mandated in West Virginia and Mississippi for years — the latter of which has the highest infant mortality rate in the nation.

Attorneys for both Krahling and Wlochowski were contacted but said they were unable to comment on the case since it is still ongoing.  Attorneys for Merck did not reply.

Dr. Thompson at the CDC was also contacted but has not replied.

Meanwhile, parents in California are facing a battle ground, as SB277 also prevents children who are vaccine injured from returning to school unless they willingly submit to the 38 doses of 11 vaccines including the MMR.  Campaigns like the trumped-up Disneyland measles outbreak has led some people to wonder if that was an orchestrated event, designed to distract the court of public opinion away from these ongoing investigations.
*Editor’s Note: In the CNN story, the reporter claims the risk is in African-American males under the age of 2.  However, according to Dr. Thompson’s data, the correct age is 3 because the results refer to African-American males under the age of 36 months (3 years).

Educating Ben Part II

Dear Ben,

It’s been awhile since we’ve spoken, how are things? Since Educating Ben Part I, have you had a chance to do learn more about vaccines?  I hope so. Because when we met back in March, you tried to convince me and a few other moms that, in America, we vaccinate as part of the schedule for TB.  (That’s me on the right, and two moms of vaccine injured children on the left.)

Sen. Ben Allen with Concerned Constituents on SB 277

Sen. Ben Allen back in March with Concerned Constituents on SB 277, including MSJ Editor & Publisher Lori Gregory on the far right.

Do you remember that conversation? I know you’re busy, but since you ARE the co-sponsor of a bill to mandate vaccines or lose a public or private school education in the State of California, I would think it’s important for you to know these things.

Let me refresh your memory.

We were chatting about vaccines at a high school, and you tried to convince us that we regularly vaccinate for TB in the United States.  I remember, because I was quite surprised to hear you try to defend so adamantly a position that is untrue. When the mom standing next to me offered you a deal — that if she were right about vaccinating for TB and you were wrong, you would agree to table SB277 for one year to give AB 2109 even more time to add to the already 20% increase its added to California’s 95% vaccination rate — you did something very interesting.  You started to shake her hand and take the bet, but at the last second you balked.  Do you remember ? You pulled your hand away as you were about to shake hers and said “all of a sudden you sound so confident.” (With all due respect, she never didn’t sound confident from what I viewed).

You got scared that maybe she was right.

That’s the way I felt when I started listening to vaccine-injury stories. Stories from mothers and fathers about their vaccine-injured children.  I got scared that maybe they were right. Stories the same, over and over and over.  They had a child, and then in a *snap* that child was altered for the rest of their lives. And they were the ones who were following the rules. Stories that many of us just don’t want to believe are true, because it’s just too scary.

But it gets scarier.

Last week, 31 out of 52 infants suffered severe vaccine reactions in a hospital in Chiapas, MexicoAccording to CNN, two of the infants died, six were critically injured and in intensive care, 20+ more were seriously injured and hospitalized after receiving three vaccinations. One of those vaccines is part of the 11 awaiting the children of California, currently on your schedule of mandated vaccines under SB277: the rotovirus — which according to The New England Journal of Medicine in Jan. 2014 is linked to bowel obstruction in infants; and the hepatitis B vaccine included in SB277 — which according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services can cause anaphylactic shock within 4 hours of dosage.

In fact, since we’re having The Conversation, again, consider this.

In 2011, the U.S. Vaccine court awarded the family of Tambra Harris almost $500k in a wrongful death suit. Tambra was a little girl from Mississippi (one of only two other states to mandate vaccines and the highest infant mortality rate in the U.S.). Tambra died in 2009, and it was ruled she was infected with lupus as a result of her hepatitis B vaccine. Here’s the court case synopsis.

As of 2015, 625 cases of vaccine injury and 54 for death have been filed as a result of the hep b vaccine.

Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

Here’s more data about the dangers of the hep B vaccine. In 2009 by Sharyl Attkinson from CBS News, reported that former head of the National Institutes of Health the late Dr. Bernadine Healy had serious concerns at that time about the hepatitis B vaccine, especially since the U.S. Special Vaccine court ruled a woman who later died contracted multiple sclerosis from receiving her hep b vaccine. I’d love to show you that case as well, but the file has been removed.

By the way, the third vaccine given to the babies that died and were injured in Chiapas? That would be the TB vaccine, the same one you were trying to convince us is part of the CDC schedule for vaccines in the United States today.

Isn’t that interesting?

Since myself and other parents have been trying to tell you for months why SB277 is a nightmare for California and the United States, I thought you also might want to take a look at this: It’s the full list of vaccine injury claims from 2014 from the U.S. Special Claims Court, you know, the vaccine court I spoke of above, where you’re not allowed to see a judge you have to see a ‘special master’?

2014 U.S. Special Claims Court, or Vaccine Court, sent to Vice President Joseph Biden

2014 U.S. Special Claims Court Annual Report, or Vaccine Court, sent to Vice President Joseph Biden

That’s the place where you go when you have a vaccine-injured child, or family member, and you have to sue the U.S. Government for vaccine injury, since we’re no longer allowed to sue vaccine manufacturers. Yes, one of big pharma’s most lucrative, profit-margin products, vaccines (which are estimated to be a $52 billion a year market by 2016), is free from accountability and has zero incentive to make a safe product — full-blown immunity from law suits, courtesy of the U.S. Government. This is the report sent to the Vice President every year.  There are 151 pages in this particular report, so you might want to sit for a spell and take a look.

I wonder how many of those people on the list are from California?

If I raised my kids the way the government handles vaccine manufacturers, we’d have a bunch of spoiled hellions running around…

I digress.

I never heard back from you after Educating Ben, Part I. I am guessing I won’t hear back from you after this one, either.  But I know you’ve got your hands full. And they’re actually about to get fuller, you know why? Because Californians are fed up.

We’ve complied with AB2109 which brought California vaccination rates up 20% to 95% vaccination rate — one of the higher statistics in the nation. We don’t NEED SB277, even though your colleague Dr. Pan is doing his best to take advantage of a miniscule incident at Disneyland by hijacking you to give him credibility.

And what about the 2.4% that remain, representing the personal belief exemptions still in place? They represent the very, very, very concerned parents who have strong reasons to believe that delay or opt out is the safest choice for their children. And they will sue, and they will fight, and they will not put their kids at risk just because your friend Dr. Pan is bullying them on the playground. They’ll just find a different playground, even if they have to build it themselves.

We can’t save you if you from yourself if choose to stay on the wrong side of history, Ben. We can’t save your political career, only you can do that. But we can save ourselves and our children.

If only there were a vaccine to prevent political self-sabotage…

Just kidding.

Not really.

Thanks for listening.

P.S. I thought you might want to check this out: it’s a cool cartoon on vaccines, narrated by Rob Schneider. By exercising his right to free speech about vaccines, he recently lost his State Farm commercial endorsement.  Seems somebody didn’t like it. Maybe former CDC Director-turned-Merck head of vaccines – turned VP Global Public Policy Dr. Julie Gerberding can lend him some cash: she just sold some of her Merck stock last Friday and pocketed a cool $2.3 million. Bet she had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Wonder what my moms in the photo above were doing on Memorial Day, trying to juggle real life while maintaining watch over their vaccine-injured kids…


Parents Rally to Send Message to Dems “We Will Leave the Party Over SB277”

UNAVOIDSeveral different groups in the Los Angeles area are mobilizing to join forces Saturday in Anaheim at the site of the Democratic Convention to show their dismay for the passage of SB277 through the California Senate yesterday.

Groups are all following these guidelines, which activist Marisa Davis Clark says are as follows:


LOCATION: We will gather at south side of the Fountain on the Grand Plaza in the Palm Court area at the Main Entrance to the Center. This area has been reserved for us specifically and we are working with the Police and the Convention Center Security to ensure the safety of us – and most importantly our children. As an additional information and safety measure, we will have designated people available to answer questions, and assist in any way.

PARKING: *I was just informed that the parking garage in under construction. So be prepared for some parking difficulties. Carpool if you can, and be prepared to walk. There may be some extra parking at Disney. Most convention parking is off West Street (Car Park 4,5,6 –see sight map) which is between and Katella and Orangewood –the west end of the convention building. There is a parking lot where many of the trucks dock and there is a parking structure. Cost: $15 – $30

FOOD: There is a Starbucks and Pizza Hut inside the Marriott (where we will be gathering in front of) as well as a number of other restaurants around the area. There is food inside the convention center – cost and quality are questionable. There are often food trucks set up nearby for large events as well. There are also no restrictions on bringing food in with you.

Press will be there 11 to 12. Some parents will be gathering as early as 9 a.m.  There will be security for the demonstrator’s protection. But because it is a public space be prepared to bring signs and other soft toys that are moveable.  Demonstrators will be wearing red shirts, and if you have red clothing you would like to swap bring it in a plastic garbage bag.

More information can be found at  https://www.facebook.com/events/788653927897559/.

NACCHO: A Big Pharma Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Crowds of Parents Flood the Halls of the State Capital in California but their Protests fall on Deaf Ears as Senator Richard Pan — a newly-elected state Senator who is backed by Big Pharma — Pushes through legislation to Eliminate their Parental Rights.

Today, the Judiciary Committee in the California Senate will bow to the agenda of Big Pharma by passing a bill that strips parents of their medical rights, despite thousands who are protesting the mandated use of questionably medical products in children, furthering a political agenda which is infecting United States policy faster than measles at Disneyland.

And politicians who are bought and paid for by Big Pharma are leading the charge — supported by organizations that are facades mascarading as legitimate public agencies when in reality, they are organizations that are run by and funded completely by Big Pharma directly.

It’s public policy at its worst: hijacking the needs of the people to further a financial agenda that will cause many more to be injured and stressed by forcing families to choose between their child’s safety and health or face economic hardship by requiring one parent to stay at home and home school at a time when the middle class has never been under more duress.

Driven completely by special interests, lobbyists, drug makers and a collusive media, after decades of strategic policy manipulation, posturing, erosion of boundaries between government and Big Pharma, the United States as a whole is poised to force parents to inject children with toxic materials for generations to come or be denied a public education, since 110 bills have rolled out with the exact same agenda in 35 states. Medical tyranny is invading our nation.

It all started in 1986 with a little girl by the name of Hannah Bruesewitz (Bruesewitz v. Wyeth). Hannah received the DTap vaccine and soon after went into extreme seizures and never recovered. She, like so many children in the 1980s known as the thimerisol generation, was exposed to a vaccine product that was manufactured by a pharmaceutical industry that was using thimerisol (or mercury) as an adjuvant — despite the fact that it is a known neurotoxin and heavy metal.

Hannah wasn’t the first child to be injured by a vaccine — in fact, there were so many cases of vaccine injury emerging in the United States in 1986 that by the time Hannah received her day in court, the U.S. Congress decided to put a stop to it.

Parents Protest Big Pharma's Agenda to Take Away Parental Rights

Parents Protest Big Pharma’s Agenda Tuesday in Sacrament to Take Away Parental Rights

If you’re thinking they passed a law prohibiting thimerisol in vaccines, sorry. Wrong answer.

Instead, they made a motion to protect Big Pharma from any more lawsuits, and they did so by setting up a separate court so that Americans can no longer sue for vaccine damages.  And instead of taking out the thimerisol, they kept it in, and in some cases exchanged it for aluminum — another neurotoxic heavy metal.

The result? Vaccine revenue has increased 300% from $12 billion in 2005 to an estimated $48 billion this year (2015). So what’s $3 billion and counting paid to citizens of the United States for a bunch of sick, dead or injured kids since 1986?


Score: Big Pharma 1, Children of the World 0.

Ian Gromowski after a severe reaction to the Hep B vaccine took his life at 47 days old

Ian Gromowski after a severe reaction to the Hep B vaccine took his life at 47 days old

As difficult as it is to see the photo on the left, we’d like you to meet Ian Gromowski. Ian lived 47 days and then he died without ever leaving the hospital. He had a severe reaction to several drugs, yet despite his compromised health he was given a Hep B vaccine 8 days later — remember Hepatitis B is transmitted through shared needles and unprotected sex.  Why do we give this to children at all, much less a child that is already facing health challenges in the first few days of life? Like measles at Disneyland, the sense of urgency around Ian and a Hep B vaccine was a over emphasized.

You should Ian’s story, because pediatric vaccines is exactly what Big Pharma is banking on to increase its revenue even further in the next five years, by 10%. Big Pharma, via the NIH, puts out all sorts of propaganda to try to discredit Ian’s story. After all, lots of money can go lots of places.

Let’s move on.

In the late 1990s, the Federal Communications Commission deregulated advertising allowing Big Pharma to advertise direct-to-consumers (“ask your doctor”).  At a time when traditional media outlets were being replaced by the internet in order to feed a voracious 24/7 news cycle, Big Pharma was able to throw around enough big money in advertising revenue to intimidate traditional media from providing unbiased coverage of vaccine injury.  This practice continues today. And despite the fact that multiple vaccines are being pulled in other countries and the vaccine makers are being sued by those same nations for vaccine damage, the news goes uncovered here in America, except for the very alternative health press — Spain, France, India and Japan alone are currently suing for damages from Merck’s controversial Gardasil vaccine.

This hostile climate for vaccine manufacturers is a boon to PR agencies and spin masters like Big Pharma’s PR agency Ogilvy and Mather, which now boasts offices in Washington, D.C., and has a division devoted to ‘social change’ and policy.  They create content that plugs into pseudonym fronts trumped-up to sound like federal agencies but instead are storefronts for Big Pharma’s political agenda — all designed to boost sales while simultaneously squelching any doubt in the mind of parents that vaccines are unsafe.

The result? Aggressive, skewed and heavily biased propaganda is now being accepted in the United States as responsible journalism. Peripheral health corporations — the hand-maidens to Big Pharma — have participated in this effort, trumping up hype to discredit parents questioning the system at every turn.

California Becomes the Great State of Big Pharma

California Becomes the Great State of Big Pharma

One of the worst examples is an article published in Healthline in 2014.  In a story entitled “Anti-Vaccination Movement Causes a Deadly Year in the U.S.” reporter Brian Krans posted a story comparing Californian soccer moms who choose to not to vaccinate to the Taliban. Krans’s misleading headline doesn’t live up to its claim, and makes no mention of any deaths in the U.S. that year as a result of unvaccinated children (because there weren’t any), choosing instead  to make a leap from  101 cases of polio in Pakistan as being an ‘epidemic,’ even though it represented only .00004% of Pakistan’s 250,000 children in 2014.  (Had Krans been a responsible journalist, he would have reported the truth, which is because polio is transmitted from fecal matter entering the body via the mouth, living in a war zone with no running water or sanitation clearly would contribute directly to outbreak more so than non-vaccination — especially since it has been a matter of public record since 1979 from Jonas Salk himself when he testified before Congress that the polio vaccine itself contributes more to spreading the disease than anything else.)

Krans’ publication, Healthline? Owned in part by … Kaiser Permanente, a massive healthcare conglomerate that benefits from the sale and use of vaccines.

Score: Big Pharma 2, Children of the World 0.

According to Kaiser Permanente’s wikipedia page, the company ran clinical trials from June 1990 to October 1991, along with the Los Angeles County Department of Health, Johns Hopkins University and the CDC, injecting “1500 mostly black and Latino babies with an Edmonton strain of Measles vaccine.”  Additional trials were conducted in Haiti and Africa, but were discontinued due to increased mortality, inadequate consent and unlicensed use of the vaccine on these children.  The CDC had “concerns over U.S. government department ethics, and occasioned an apology by the CDC who ascribed it to an administrative oversight.” 

This news is of considerable interest, since Dr. William Thompson — a senior scientist at the CDC — recently confessed that he and his co-workers intentionally omitted statistically significant data in a 2004 study published in the journal Pediatrics that demonstrated that “African-American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were 336% more likely to suffer an autistic response” (DeStefano F, Bhasin TK, Thompson WW, et al. “Age at first measles-mumps-rubella vaccination in children with autism and school-matched control subjects: a population-based study in metropolitan Atlanta.” Pediatrics 2004 Feb; 113(2): 259-66).

Thompson’s study was verified independently by Dr. Brian Hooker in August of 2014, who published almost the exact results in Translational Neurodegeneration (Hooker BS. “Measles-mumps-rubella vaccination timing and autism among young African-American boys: a reanalysis of CDC data.” Translational Neurodegeneration 2014 Aug 8; 3: 16).

The result?  110 bills introduced in 35 states that will mandate the injection of vaccines or deny children access to education. On that list? The MMR.

Big Pharma 3, Children of the World 0.

The Director of the CDC during Dr. Thompson’s tenure was Dr. Julie Gerberding.  In a letter dated February of 2004, Dr. Thompson expressed concern about the integrity of scientists at the National Immunization Program, in light of an upcoming presentation in front of the Institutes of Medicine around autism and vaccines.

The result? In 2009, Dr. Gerberding did nothing to assist Thompson, and instead left the CDC in 2009 and became head of Merck’s vaccines division. In December of last year, just as measles was being included in the Disneyland parade, Dr. Gerberding was promoted to Merck’s Executive Vice President for Strategic Communications, Global Public Policy and Population Health.

Big Pharma 4, Children of the World 0.

Legislation is being forged on the tip of Big Pharma’s sword, and they’re doing it in the name of social change (notice how Merck stands out on that list of government agencies? That’s because they are funding a lot of those agencies activities and are now considered as credible on the subject of social change — interchangeable as the NIH, the CDC, Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs and FEMA).

Moreover, they’ve been throwing a lot of money everywhere from politicians to schools and universities, to community organizations, to health care workers to doctors to anybody that will take it — all contributing to the continued illusion that Merck has the world’s best interest at heart.

The most covert of activities has reared its ugly head in the form of an organization known as the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO).

NACCHO is described as  “2700 local health departments across the United States”  — a definition that at first blush appears to be an umbrella organization for the public health departments in the United States.  Their self-described vision is “health, equity, and security for all people in their communities through public health policies and services.”

The inference is very much on purpose —  they want you to think they are a federal organization, and that their function is to serve as a governing body for all the local health departments. They even have a directory of all the local health departments in the United States on their website.

There’s only one problem: NACCHO accepts membership dues from health departments that only accounted for $2.6 million in 2014. Yet it received $23 million in 2014 in contributions and grants. Where do they get their funding and what exactly are they doing with it?

First, let’s take a look at their leadership.

Dr. LaMar Hasbrouck, who was promoted to Executive Director of NACCHO in February of this year, is an old buddy of Dr. Gerberdings from Merck (remember her? the former head of the CDC who went directly from the CDC to running Merck’s vaccine program?).

In December, just as measles was cozying up to Dumbo, Dr. Gerberding is promoted to Merck’s Executive Vice President for Strategic Communications for Global Public Policy and Population Health. Read that carefully: VP for STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS for GLOBAL PUBLIC POLICY and PUBLIC HEALTH. That means she’s in charge of master strategy for policy and public health.  Do you think vaccines are at the top of her list?

She certainly is seeding the field.

Dr. Julie Gerberding went from Director of the CDC to head of Merck's Vaccine Division

Dr. Julie Gerberding went from Director of the CDC to head of Merck’s Vaccine Division

Sixty days after Dr. Gerberding is promoted to Merck’s head global policy maker, Dr. LaMar Hasbrouck — one of Gerberding’s buddies from the CDC — is promoted to Executive Director of NACCHO.   Not only are Gerberding and Hasbrouck both alumnus from the same school (UC Berkeley), but in fact they were both employed by the CDC for 11 years at exactly the same time. (Gerberding from 1998 – 2009), (Hausbrouck 1998 – 2009).

Do you think Dr. Gerberding had a say in Dr. Hasbrouck’s appointment? Is it a coincidence that during the period between Gerberding’s promotion and Hasbrouk’s appointment the trumped-up measles noise was unfolding, resulting in 110 bills rolling out on cue in 35 states?

Deadline for introducing new bills has limits. In California, it’s February. So this well-rehearsed symphony was tuning up right on cue.


Dr. LaMar Hasbrouck followed his colleague Dr. Julie Gerberding from the CDC to Merck-sponsored policy fronts

Let’s get back to the money.

Here is a list of every organization NACCHO receives money from. Remember: NACCHO’s income from membership falls way short of its budget needs, which means it is set up by design to be funded by outside resources. Let’s take a look at these contributors, and see what we see:

1. Center for Advancement of Health: gets money from Bill and Melinda Gates, which turns around and funds NACCHO.

3. Alliance for Community Health Plans: several board members from Kaiser Permanente including the Permanente Trust, which then turns around and funds NACCHO.

4. Health Together.org: a barely-there website — more of a four-page brochure that could’ve been thrown together in 20 minutes by any high school student with the latest post from May 2014? Yet they somehow give money to an organization that receives $25 million annually? Hmmm.

5. American Academy of Pediatrics: after being redirected in circles on this website, we finally found the corporate sponsor page which includes vaccine manufacturer and Merck partner Sanofi Pasteur, Merck, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Boeringher Ingleheim and more.

6. American Association of Health Plans: of which, our friends at Kaiser Permanente are of course members. KP pays for membership, and AAHP pays NACCHO, and health plans directly reimburse physicians based on vaccination rates. The higher the patient population, the higher the percentage of reimbursement which is why so many physicians are dropping patients with children who delay or opt out.

7. American Public Health Association: donates an entire page to vaccines, using fear by comparing a lightning strike as being more likely than a vaccine reaction.

9. Association of Maternal & Child Healthplans: Even though this link was dead on the NACCHO funder’s page, we googled it and found something shocking: an entire program funded by Merck called Merck for Mothers. This is a global front for worldwide vaccines and includes India, which is currently suing Merck over Gardasil (you won’t find that on their website). Their sponsors are numerous including… Bill & Melinda Gates.

10. The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials: Sounds official, right? Look at their sponsors. Their sponsors gives ASTHO money, and ASTHO gives money to NACCHO. Are you seeing the pattern?

11. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: That’s where our friends Dr. Gerberding and Dr. Hasbrouk met, remember? NACCHO lists two CDC divisions as sponsors: the National Center for Environmental Health and the … wait for it … National Immunization Program.

Let’s start with NCEH. The NCEH states it is “working to prevent illness, disability, and death from interactions between people and the environment.” Hmmm. Wonder how Erin Brokovitch and Robert Kennedy Jr.  think they’re doing, because they’ve both made great careers off of cleaning NCEHs’ unaddressed environmental messes.

Now for the juicy CDC division that sponsors NACCHO, the National Immunization Program.  This is the massive nerve center of policy, influence, funding and agenda setting which, in Feb. 0f this year, research and market analysts are predicting is now so effective due to the squeezing of parental rights, that the vaccine market alone which is already in the billions annually will increase 10+% in the next five years for all these manufacturers. The main reason? “According to the report, the primary driving factor is the inclusion of pediatric vaccines in the national immunization schedule of many countries. This helps increase the consumption of vaccines in the market, thereby boosting growth.

See? Politics and corporate policy can be very lucrative bedfellows. The folks running Big Pharma figured this out a long time ago, and they are counting on you staying silent, playing Russian roulette with your children while the U.S. Government continues to pay out $3 billion and counting in vaccine injuries.

Meanwhile, NACCHO is crying foul that President Obama has only approved the CDC for $561 million in the U.S.  fiscal budget for 2016 instead of the $611 million from last year, for the Section 317 immunization program which disperses vaccines far and wide in the U.S.  NACCHO  is asking the U.S. Government for $650 million dollars to push vaccines on your community — citing the recent “disease outbreak” of measles as being “epidemic.”

Score: Big Pharma 5, Children of the World 0.

So we’ve made it through the first 12 or so funding partners for NACCHO, but there are 34 more on the list. We will continue to investigate and will post additional findings.

In the meantime, if you don’t live in California, and if you don’t have small children, you probably don’t even know this legislative onslaught is happening. But it is.

And it’s coming to your town sooner than you think.

It’s time to #wake up.





Because WE are POWER IN NUMBERS! If you are a registered voter DO IT NOW!

It’s super easy and takes 10 minutes.



STEP 1: Get a youtube account. It’s free, just go to youtube.com.

STEP2: Video record yourself on your smartphone saying your NAME, CITY, REGISTERED VOTER if you are (or will be by election time) and I STRONGLY OPPOSE SB277. Already have a google or gmail account and are uploading from your desktop? SKIP TO DEETS BELOW.

Already have a google or gmail account and need help uploading to youtube from your iphone/ipad? Click here.

Already have a google or gmail account and need help uploading to youtube from your android? Click here.

MAKE SURE to use THESE TWO hashtags — #PowerInNumbers #NoOnSB277 — otherwise I can’t see your video.

Power in numbers is BOSS.

Let’s do this!!!!



-Email your video to yourself. Open the email, save the video to your desktop.

– In a new tab in your browser go to youtube.com.

– In the upper right-hand corner, click on upload. A new window will open. IF YOU HAVE A GMAIL ACCOUNT AND ARE NOT LOGGED INTO IT then it will ask you to log in.  If you are logged in, it will take you right to the next step.

– There will be a giant gray arrow with the words “select “files” in the middle of the screen. Make sure the “Public” option is selected in the dropdown menu below the gray arrow, then click on the gray arrow.

– A browser window to your computer files will open. Browse through the menu until you find the video clip.

– Select the file, click open.

– Your file will automatically start to upload and process. This will take only about 90 seconds.

– While it is uploading, look in the center of the screen under ‘Basic Info.’ You will see three boxes:
1. The first box has the original file name that you are uploading. You may change this to #PowerInNumbers #NoOnSB277.
2. Copy and paste both of the hashtags you just typed in the next two boxes which are ‘Description’ and ‘Tags.’
3. Then Click on the blue ‘publish’ button in the upper right hand corner.

Go to youtube.com, and in the search bar paste your two hashtags and click the magnifying glass. When the search results come up, make sure you see your video. Give it time to finish processing first to make sure. If you see your video, you’re done!

Now go record your spouse/mom/dad/neighbor/friend — anyone who is old enough to vote who/or is about to be a REGISTERED VOTER.

I am utilizing a feature in youtube that allows me to collect them all into one basket which will prevent trolls from hijacking this campaign, so we will be STRONG and POWER IN NUMBERS!!!

Thanks for your help. It’s much easier than it sounds.

SPREAD THE WORD!! And if you’re really having problems email the video to me and I will post it: lorimartingregory@gmail.com.

– Lori

Sacramento Secrets: Video Confirms Lobbyists’ Loyalties

Dear Karen de Sá, San Jose Mercury News:

The world woke up this morning to the truth: SB 277 passed the California Senate’s Education Committee. But interestingly enough, what’s been played out in the California senate you described verbatim almost five years ago.  In your article — which it took five years for us to finally wake up to — you describe exactly what we are seeing displayed before our very eyes, with one of the most controversial bills to hit the senate floor in Sacramento in 15 years.

Sacramento In Trouble

Sacramento In Trouble

You see, we had no idea when all this madness started last month it that would result in us catching two Senators — blatantly, on live camera, on public record, in front of all the world to see — doing exactly what you described to a tee in 2010: executing one of the most important public policies in California’s recent history by being completely beholden to special interest lobbyists. In this case, you will see Sens. Pan and Allen consult with two lobbyists live on senate tv during the SB 277 hearing last Wednesday, at the height of the hearing, when it was time to decide on a vote.

Thriiive.com founder and #CDCWhistleblower Dana Marie has documented the hearing footage here, start at 6:05 to begin at the call to vote.

It’s soul crushing Karen, to actually witness exactly what you described in person.  I guess I’ve been an asleep-at-the-wheel democrat, Because it brings to life exactly what you described in your article five years ago: that lawmakers we elect are merely puppets, operating solely at the discretion of special interests and lobbyists. And it makes me afraid of what other bills have been manipulated through our system during the past five years since you wrote the script.

Maybe I’m moving too fast. Let me backtrack for a second…

Back in March, we were just a group of moms objecting to big corporations sticking their noses into our business, trying to tell us Moms how to take care of our kids.  But from its inception, SB 277 had a really bad stench: how could our elected officials be pushing legislation that would mandate our children be injected with a medical product that is currently under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice, or deny their right to a public education?  Especially when that same company is under indictment by Spain and other countries who are suing them for faulty products that are making them billions of dollars? Is that policy in the best interest of the people of California?

I know about 10,000+ and counting parents in California who don’t think so.

When SB 277 started to hit a fever pitch in March, social media lit up like a wildfire, and within days moms groups began to share information.  Parents struggled to try to understand how — at such an all-time low in the confidence America has around its vaccine program — such irrational legislation could even be considered?

The people in Washington, Oregon, Colorado and North Carolina wasted no time shutting phase one of this legislation down.  So how, in the liberal bastion of California, is this crazy legislature being allowed to unfold?

Don’t get me wrong — it’s not just a vaccine issue.  For parents, it’s a legal rights issue. It’s a parental rights issue.  Believe me, as I’ve learned recently, when it comes to legal rights, the last place anyone should want to be is in between a mother and child.

But, I digress.

Many of the members of the Senate Health committee who voted last week have received campaign funds directly from big pharma — some as recently as last summer.  Despite efforts to link these contributions to the 1974 California Political Campaign Reform Act, parents soon began to realize the message had a puppet master and it was much bigger than they thought.

And it gets worse.

Lobbyists Jodi Hicks & Janus Nelson Control Senators’ Agenda on SB 277

See the two people in the photo? Take a good look. Democracy in action, 2015.

What you see here may be allowed, but what you see here is a disgrace.

This is a still shot of video taken at the Senate Education Committee, and the two individuals are both lobbyists that work in healthcare, Jodi Hicks on the left of Sacramento lobbyist firm DiMare, Brown, Hicks & Kessler; Janus Nelson, Chief Lobbyist from the California Medical Association.  Both organizations are known to be pro-vaccine, Jodi Hick’s other client when she’s not babysitting Pan and Allen is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

They are the people Senators Allen and Pan went to directly as soon as they were asked by Chairman Liu if they wanted to ‘postpone the vote, because if you take a vote today this bill will die.’

Nice coddling.

The Senators proceeded to seek counsel immediately from these two lobbyists, even though Jodi Hicks testified at the Education Committee Hearing last week that she represents the Family Physician Political Action Committee.

Another funny thing? When we looked up the Family Physician Political Action Committee, we found their website, and guess who else we found smiling right back at us from the home page?

Sen. Pan & The PAC Family Physicians

Sen. Pan & The PAC Family Physicians

Why it’s Sen. Richard Pan right there above the C in PAC! The sponsor of SB 277 and poster boy for how to be a patsy for big pharma.  What a small world!

More charming.

There’s only one thing: when you search Sen. Pan’s contributions at followthemoney.org, there’s no entry for the Family Physician PAC.  Isn’t that strange? That a politician like Richard Pan who has received TONS of legal PAC money would be on the home page of a political action committee (PAC) and NOT have a record of receiving campaign funds from them?

Karen, in homage to that brilliant piece you published in the July 11, 2010 edition of the Mercury News… please watch the video. Let fearless mom Dana Marie who has reported tirelessly on this issue to the point of vocal exhaustion, take you on a journey starting at 6:05, where you will watch the demise of the democratic system before your very eyes.

And the two lobbyists in question? They show their mugs  at 11:32, — again, on the Senate Education Committee Hearing video that is public record.

Here is another report on Lobbyistgate.

Standing right there, in plain sight, in front of the People of the Great State of California, making our senators look like complete fools, in front of 700+ parents who came to Sacrament to oppose this bill.

This morning, at 9 a.m., these same lobbyists succeeded by passing SB 277 7-2.

Is this what happens when special interests take over? Is apathy killing democracy? Did the near-death of newspapers create the perfect environment for big business to run our country?

You are the perfect person to tell this story, Karen.  The truth needs to be told.

Does Big Pharma Own America?

Sen. Dr. Dick Pan

The political climate in America is heating up — not just because we’re entering a presidential election cycle — but because there’s a perfect storm brewing that is providing corporate access to our political system like never before.

For Californians, it has shown up in the form of Sen. Richard Pan.

Pan, D-Sacramento, is a pediatrician. He has been the driving force behind all major vaccine legislation in California for the past five years.  As a state assemblyman, he launched and helped pass AB 2109, legislation signed into law that directly caused a 6% increase in vaccinations statewide from 2010 to 2014 (89% to 94.7%).

Now, a state senator, Pan is pushing SB 277. And all along the way he promised his constituents he would preserve parental choice.  He lied.

Pan’s SB 277 — a bill written specifically to deny parent’s rights to access public and private schools, and homeschools with a classroom component if they opt out of vaccinations — closes the loophole Big Pharma has tried to close for years. By using policy, pharmaceutical companies are attempting to seed their profits nationwide, forcing those who delay or opt out for religious or personal beliefs to be denied a public or private school education, forcing parents to homeschool.

It’s already happened in Mississippi and West Virginia. And it’s happening to the tune of 110 bills in 35 states that have been rolled out on cue during the past 90 days following a trumped-up measles apocalypse-that-was-not at Disneyland in December 2014 (134 cases, nobody died, .000003% of California’s population).

If Pan passes SB 277, Californians would all be required, according to the CDC schedule, to take 35 injections by the age of 6 in order to attend public school. And, despite the most basic notion of conflict of interest, Sen. Pan’s taken money all along the way from the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, Merck, as far back as the beginning of his political career in 2010.

And he has company.

Sen. Holly Mitchell, co-author of SB 277, accepted contributions — according to  Merck’s website — as recently as last July when she was elected in a special election.  In doing so, she may be guilty of violating the 1974 California Political Campaign reform act, which reads:

“… no gift or gifts aggregating two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more in value provided to, received by, or promised to the public official within 12 months prior to the time when the decision is made.”

Mitchell voted on SB 277 last week, which would make her in violation since SB 277 would bring financial gain to Merck who gave her money within 12 months of the vote.

Sen. Holly Mitchell
Sen. Holly Mitchell

Mitchell has been receiving direct funding from Merck as far back as 2010, as have other members of the State Senate Health Committee (see chart below) including  Sen. Andy Vidak. Vidak also received direct funds from Merck as recently as 2014.  Vidak was set to vote on the bill Wednesday as a member of the Education Committee, but because it was tabled he will vote privately next week. Voting on this bill could also put him inside the restricted 12-month period (click here to see the campaign donations).

Sen. Andy Vidak

Education Committee Chairman Carol Liu expressed a desire for religious exemption to be an option in California, after witnessing droves of parents of vaccine injured children show up at Wednesday’s hearing (click on the above link and start at 48:30 to hear). There were also educators, health professionals and constituents that came forward to let their voices be heard in opposition to the proposed legislation.  Liu gave Pan one week to re-tool and return for a private vote next week.

But the larger question remains: How did we get here in the first place?

In 1986 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” The ruling allowed Big Pharma to be exempt from any responsibility of injury, and instead the Government set up a separate ‘court’ that pays Big Pharma’s bill for those who either have a vaccine injured child or have a child who died as a result of vaccines.  To date, the government-sponsored Vaccine Injury Fund has paid out $3 billion in settlement costs to families.  Result? No Courts. You can’t sue a vaccine manufacturer if you are injured.

MERCK 2010 Campaign ContributionsThe next puzzle piece fell into place in the late ’90s. when the FCC deregulated its advertising policy allowing for pharmaceutical companies to market drugs direct-to-consumers (DTC marketing). That’s when the ‘ask your doctor’ commercials started showing up on television, which allows companies like Merck to market their drugs directly to children. Merck did exactly that with their controversial Gardasil vaccine, launching a fear campaign on VH1 that targeted teenage girls directly to get  them to go to their parents and ask to get the shots. It worked.

It is also what has enabled Big Pharma to own the media, who in the age of the internet, are fighting for every advertising dollar they can get to stay alive. According to Robert Kennedy, Jr., Big Pharma is responsible for up to 70% of the advertising revenue on network television in non-election years and, as a result, major networks refuse to air the story. Result? No media.

So our courts are bought, our media is bought. What’s left?

Routine campaign practices: In 2014, Merck Pharmaceuticals spent $1 million plus on political donations made directly to candidates running for office across the United States. Those contributions follow a pattern of typically small, $1,000, $2,500, etc., mainly because they are direct and on the record.

But if you dig a little deeper, it turns out the indirect contributions are where things start to get more interesting. The real money is shuffled from hand-to-hand via third-party groups called political action committees (PACs).

For example, Merck gives $15k to the PAC Biotech Industrial Organization; the Biotech Industrial Organization turns around and gives $10k to the Democratic Governor’s Association.  The Democratic Party is the largest contributor to Sen. Pan’s campaigns (followthemoney.org). PACs like, PhRMA (Amgen, Merck, Pfizer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Novartis, Abbvie Inc.) regularly fund politician’s campaigns (see $54,000 & $6,000 contributions by PhRMA to California politicians in the chart above), but they do it in ways you and I might never suspect. Result? No politicians.

PhRMA hired 757 lobbyists in 15 years.

Merck gives ten times that and more in national grants at medical schools and universities, thereby sprinkling the money like a bread-crumb trail to up-and-coming doctors and researchers making sure they are bought before they even get out of medical school.

It gets worse.

Merck is the exclusive maker and manufacturer of 10 vaccines currently on the CDC schedule, the most controversial being Gardasil and the MMR.  (Gardasil is facing formal criminal complaints from Spain filed in August of last year. The story has yet to make headlines amongst major media outlets in the United States at the time of this post.)

Merck’s MMR vaccine is the subject of a Department of Justice investigation, as Merck is being accused of falsifying data with the MMR in order to meet the 95% efficacy rate which is the benchmark required by the FDA to maintain its monopoly on patent. It also could indicate vaccine failure and be the reason for recent outbreaks among vaccinated individuals (the story only appears in mainstream media on Huff Post Canada).  Moreover, former virologist-turned-whistleblower Dr. Bill Thompson recently confessed that he and his co-workers intentionally omitted statistically significant data in a 2004 study published in the journal Pediatrics that demonstrated that “African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were 336% more likely to suffer an autistic response” (DeStefano F, Bhasin TK, Thompson WW, et al. “Age at first measles-mumps-rubella vaccination in children with autism and school-matched control subjects: a population-based study in metropolitan Atlanta.” Pediatrics 2004 Feb; 113(2): 259-66).

Cut to the heavily trumped-up Disneyland measles outbreak which appeared at the happiest place on earth just a few months after the #CDCWhistleblower story came forward. According to the California Department of Public Health the all clear will sound April 17.

So, is Sen. Pan acting in the best interest of Californians by pushing policy to mandate the injections of Merck’s products into our bodies at a time when the safety and efficacy of the company’s products is in serious question? Or is Pan putting the agenda of his campaign financiers first? Are our politicians gone? Is your politician on Merck’s payroll? More important, do you care if  ‘biostitutes’ are making decisions that affect your children?

No courts. No media. No politicians. So all that’s left is the parents.  It’s up to us. If you are concerned and want to say enough is enough, contact your state representatives and let your voice be heard. And feel free to leave your comments below and follow The Mom Street Journal for more updates.



And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor

Smoking: Just What the Doctor Ordered

I am truly saddened that the people of California entrusted their government to Senator Richard Pan. IMAO, he is the picture of what’s wrong with medicine today.

“There’s no scientific evidence to prove vaccines causes autism.”
– Sen. Dick Pan

Since when does a doctor diagnose his patients based on a scientific study?

Aren’t they supposed to look at what they see in front of them? Oh wait — he’s a pediatrician, but he doesn’t really see patients anymore and hasn’t for years. So how does he know what these families are going through every single day and night of their lives?

He doesn’t.

I see no compassion. I see no evidence of a kind healer.

So I say this, Dick Pan:

“There is no evidence of any kind to prove going to medical school makes you a healer — a bearer of light who seeks first to DO NO HARM. I think you might have taken the hypocritic oath by mistake, so please resign yourself from all activity around legislating our rights away and get yourself together.”

– Me

Sen. Pan, why don’t you try looking into the eyes and faces of a family that lives with vaccine injury EVERY DAY? Search ‪#‎HearThisWell‬ on youtube to see the proof. No? Oh that’s right. You don’t want to look the truth in the eye, because then you will have to live with the truth of what you are doing.

You don’t know the truth because you DON’T WANT to know the truth. You want to stay ignorant so you feel justified in what you are doing. You don’t want to feel guilty for taking that plenitude of big pharma money that funded your two elections and keep pushing their agenda like a good doobie. Just like Merck, you have no interest in being accountable, you just want to keep counting your donations.

You are an ego out of control, sir. And I am saddened that you are trying to drag our state and our country down to your level (you can’t btw, your rookie, out-of-touch legislation has only brought us out of the woodwork and into the streets where we are talking and bonding and sharing and working together).

This MESS called a vaccine program must be sorted out, making them MANDATORY certainly is not the issue. Parents ABSOLUTELY will have free choice to opt out. And even when and if it IS sorted out, our bodies and our children’s bodies belong to US. So keep your greedy mitts OFF!

‪#‎TheWorldisWakingUp‬ Sen. Pan, don’t you think it’s time you do, too?
