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6 Simple Steps to Prevent Swine Flu

NE of the best parts about the movie Contact was learning the meaning of the scientific principle Occam’s Razor, which says all things being equal, the simplest choice is usually the right one.

H1N1, or the Swine Flu as it has been affectionately dubbed, is no exception.

All things being equal, prevention is still the best defense we have against such invaders.  In addition to proactively building our immune systems on a daily basis (see previous posts), we can also follow these six simple guidelines, and in doing so, will greatly reduce our families’ risk of contracting the virus.

Thanks to my dear friend and teacher Loretta for the tips.  Be well!!


H1N1, like other Influenza A viruses, only infects the upper respiratory tract.  That is where it lives and grows.

The only portals of entry are the nostrils, mouth and throat.

In a global epidemic of this nature, it’s impossible to avoid contact with H1N1.  The key is to prevent it from actually taking hold or breaking through the immune system where it starts to live and grow.

While you are still healthy and symptom-free, follow these very simple steps (not mentioned in most official CDC communications).  If you practice these habits instead of spending your time stocking up on N95 or Tamiflu, you will be much safer!


1. The best way to do this is to wash your hands FIRST THING when you return home from any activity outside the house.  Make it a habit.  Even if you just ran a brief errand, make it a regular practice to wash your hands as soon as you come in the door.

I take it one step further and keep purel in my car.  But that is not a substitute for hand washing as soon as you get home.


2. Start to train yourself (and especially small children) to have a “hands-off-the-face” approach.  Resist all temptations to touch any part of face (unless you want to eat or bathe).


Gargle1940G_468x512 3. Even after you pick up the virus, you have 2-3 days after initial infection in the throat/nasal cavity before H1N1 starts showing  symptoms. Simple gargling will prevent you from ever getting sick! In a way, gargling with salt water has the same effect on a healthy individual that Tamiflu has on an infected one. Don’t underestimate this simple, inexpensive and powerful preventative method.



4. Similar to 3 above, clean your nostrils at least once every day with warm salt water. (Neti Pots are very good for practicing Yoga asanas to clean nasal cavities, but blowing the nose hard once a day and swabbing both nostrils with cotton buds dipped in warm salt water is also very effective in bringing down viral population).

If you really want to flush the sinus and throat cavity, and that hard-to-reach junction where the two meet, your best bet is a bulb syringe nasalaspirator.  Place a small amount of alkalol (available at most drug stores) in a small bowl with 3 parts warm water.  Fill the bulb syringe, take a deep breath, hold it, tilt the head back, and squeeze half of the contents into one nostril while holding the other one closed.  Immediately suck the liquid from the nostril into the back of the throat, and then spit.

You may feel a slight burning but it will be temporary.  This is a wonderful way to dry out mucous if you already have congestion in the nose.

For smaller children this will be impossible.  Your best bet is just making sure the nose stays empty and clean.


fdc9000775. Boost your natural immunity with foods that are rich in Vitamin C (Amla and other citrus fruits). If you have to supplement with Vitamin C tablets, make sure that it also has Zinc/bioflavonoids to boost absorption.


hot_tea_large_b6. Drink as many warm liquids as you can. Drinking warm liquids has the same effect as gargling, but in the reverse direction. They wash off proliferating viruses from the throat into the stomach where they cannot survive, proliferate or do any harm.

All these suggestions are simple ways to prevent, are within the means of most households, and certainly much less painful than to wait in long queues outside public hospitals.

Be well!

Intro to Managing Hormone Balance

ladies night at racesHey Ladies!!!

We humans, men and women, all have hormones.  We women sure seem to have a whole lot more running around, which is why we have the greater challenge of keeping them balanced.

I’m not just talking about menopause, I’m talking about years leading up to it, as well as general well being.

That’s why in this post (which I dedicate to my special friends “The Melody Makers”), I’m gonna share with you steps you can take to keep your PMS and your hormones in CHECK.  Some of this is repeated from my earlier posts… if you read my blog long enough you’ll start to figure out optimal health really is the same thing over and over.  You just have to do it.

calcium citrateCalcium/Magnesium

Let’s start with the basics.

These two minerals, calcium and magnesium, are crucial for liver function. In fact, you require a certain level of calcium in your body at all times in order for the liver to function optimally — men and women.

If you get depleted, your body ‘robs peter to pay paul’ by stealing it from other parts (this is the start of osteoporosis). Therefore, in order to keep the liver functioning at its highest capacity, and to prevent other depletions, it is crucial to take Cal/Mag at night — which is when the liver rejuvenates.

Now, your liver processes all the hormones in your body.  So if you’re liver’s congested or running on empty, guess what?  Your hormones are not going to be processed efficiently.

Moreover, if you do not have enough calcium in your blood at night when you are sleeping, the parathyroid gland will secrete an enzyme into your blood stream to dissolve the calcium from your bones.  Which means you’re on your way to osteoporosis.

All this nonsense can be stopped by taking cal mag at night before bed.  Every night.  Don’t worry, you can take cal/mag on an empty stomach and it will not cause agitation (magnesium is the same thing in Milk of Magnesia which calms stomach upset).

Gary and I keep our cal mag right next to the bed and take it before sleep (he takes whatever quantity I take, which for me right now is the pre-menopausal prescript [see below]).

Not only does it keep the liver healthy, it prevents nighttime leg cramps (muscle cramps are a sign of magnesium deficiency) and will help calm the nervous system, giving you a better night’s sleep.

You can take liquid or capsules, just make sure you get the recommended dose.  Your body cannot absorb calcium without magnesium, so you must take them together. Read your label to make sure you get the right quantity.

Pre-menopausal: 1000 mg calcium CITRATE only (no carbonate if you are of child-bearing years, since it has lead); 400-600 mg magnesium.

Peri- and Post-menopausal: 1500 mg calcium carbonate AND citrate (half and half), and 600 mg magnesium.

I toggle back and forth between Solgar and Twin Labs brands from Whole Foods, and Metagenics.

Oh, you should also do an annual liver flush.  I’m gearing up for mine, which will start on Sunday.  The best one I’ve found is Tiao He Liver Cleanse from Nature’s Sunshine, and is about $20.

Cooling OffWhat If I’m Already Having Hot Flashes?

If you are having hot flashes, balancing hormones will help.

The first step is to eliminate hormone-injected meats and dairy products, since any food source you consume that contains hormones will automatically impact your metabolism and hormone balance as well.

If you are experiencing hot flashes, night sweats or any other menopausal symptoms, it is crucial that you only eat red meat that is hormone free.  Did you know in Japanese, there is no traditional word for ‘hot flash,’ because Japanese women rarely get them?  That’s  because they eat a diet mostly consisting of fish.  (That is probably changing now that American fast food is intruding on the Japanese lifestyle.)

Alcohol, sugar and caffeine will also wreak havoc on your system, and should be detoxed from the body, then taken moderately or with food enzymes at the very least.

Evening Primrose oil is great for helping to balance hormones. You can get this from Whole Foods or any health food store.

An Ayurvedic herb I LOVE is Sitiwari, which translated means ‘woman of 1,000 husbands’ because of its powerful tonifying affect on the female reproductive system. You can order Sitiwari, which is a gentle herb (can even be taken during pregnancy) in it’s highest quality from Ayush Herbs in Washington. All their herbs are grown organically and harvested with the highest quality processing.

Dong Quai and Black Cohash are also known for their effectiveness in balancing hormones. The best way to take these herbs is in tincture form, 20-30 drops 3x daily in water. You can get them also at Whole Foods.

pregnant inversionHate to sound like a broken record, but…

Yes, that’s me doing an inversion at four months pregnant.  I did it every day until 8.5 months, and I felt and looked great.

I can’t say enough about the power of inversions and yoga. Your power lies in your ability to link your mind, body and spirit together, in harmony. When you ‘yoke’ them together, which is what the word yoga means, you are literally unstoppable at whatever you set as your intention.

If you live near Manhattan Beach, check out The Yoga Loft which offers a variety of classes, class times and special series. Genvieve, the founder and owner (and also a teacher) is always offering specials. Right now you can get a three-month pass for unlimited classes for $225! It’s a deal, and it will bring you into energy, power and balance faster than the fountain of youth.

If you do not live near MB, contact your local Iyengar Center and ask them about classes.  They will either offer them directly, or will be hip to where you can go for a really great class.

My great teacher and mentor, Loretta Pharo, RN, who I studied with in Boston for 7 years, has been teaching for almost 40 years now.  She developed the most powerful form of shoulder stand I’ve ever seen (which is what I’m doing in the photo).  I’m leaving you detailed instructions here so you can do it yourself.  Read more about this powerful pose in my Get Healthy Now post from April 23.

the female brain

The Female Brain

One last thing: if you want to know more about yourself, check out Dr. Louann Brizendine’s book, “The Female Brain.” She’s a smarty pants, ivy league (both coasts), and she started a clinic for women and girls outside San Fransisco that helps us with hormones and how they affect the brain.

It’s a great manual that we should’ve read in 7th grade.  But you know what they say…  it’s never too late.

That is all for now. As always, I am available for private consult and group presentations, including 10-minute one-on-one assessments. For more information, send me an email.


What is Your Definition of Healthy?

healthy-womanHow do you define healthy?  After hearing this week about Judy Trunnell, I began to realize not everyone defines it the same way.

Judy, who was 33, died after developing a case of the swine flu.  She was also 8 months pregnant, and doctors delivered a healthy baby girl while Judy was in a coma.  Tragic.

Following her death, conflicting reports emerged in the media about whether or not she had a preexisting illness which would have weakened her health, therefore making her more susceptible to developing swine flu.  The husband says no.  But, the doctors say yes.

In fact, her medical records indicate prior to coming down with the swine flu Judy had asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis.  Which leads me to wonder: does the husband think that’s healthy?

Had Judy lived with these conditions for so long, that she and her husband considered them part of her regular state of health?

aum_om_ohmIn Ayurveda, Asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis are all reversible by diet.   In fact, according to Ayurveda everything is reversible but death.  Which means if Judy had defined healthy by Ayurveda’s standards, she would still be here, her baby daughter would have a mother, and her husband would not be left to raise his daughter alone.

Yep.  I’ve seen it happen dozens of times.  Each one of these conditions is inflammatory in nature, and is an immune response by the body to try to eliminate toxins because the body is not strong enough to do it on its own.

Here are the three reasons people get asthma, arthritis and psoriasis:

1. No Breast Milk as a Baby.


Studies show overwhelmingly that breast milk contains probacteria that help build immunity from day one.  Not only does it colonize in the small intestine (where the majority of the lymph glands in our bodies are located), but it also helps make the body alkaline by helping it digest food later on.  Without it, formula fed-babies suffer higher rates of allergies, ear infections, ADHD and general lower resistance to other toxins.

If you didn’t get breast milk (like I didn’t), then you must supplement with probiotics.  The best one I’ve found, and I’ve studied them all, is Metagenics’ Ultra flora plus Dairy Free Capsules. Take two capsules 2x daily between meals for 3-6 months.  You will start to see an improvement in digestion, overall energy (since your body will be better able to digest and absorb your nutrients), as well as an increase in immune function.

2. Extensive use of Antibiotics.


This is a toughie, because we are a society addicted to our antibiotics.  Not physically, of course.  Mentally and emotionally.  I know, because I used to be an AB junkie.  At the first sign of a sniffle or a sneeze, we go running to the doc for our AB prescript.  My doc used to just call it in over the phone.  Whether it helped or not, I felt like at least I was doing something about my cold or flu (which I used to get every three months like clockwork).

What I now know is every time we take antibiotics we are weakening our immune system.  Not only do we kill any bad bugs in our gut, but we also kill the good ones.  So bye-bye lactobacillus, adios bifidus infantis — all of which came from our mother’s milk and can only be replaced by supplements.

For every 10 days you are on antibiotics, it takes 2 months for the gut to recover.  That’s right.  So in order to replace what you lost in good bacteria, you have to supplement for 2 months.

Only take an antibiotic if you are in jeopardy of a life-threatening illness.

For women, overuse of antibiotics usually starts to show up in their 20s and 30s as chronic yeast infections — that is one of the first chronic signs of immune weakness due to lack of probacteria.  Men, unfortunately, can carry candida infection as well.  But because of their external anatomy candida infection will usually show up as smelly feet, excess gas and bloating after eating, and/or distended gut.  In men, it is much harder to detect.

Either way, get a good probiotic if you want to bring it into balance now before it becomes something worse.

3. Consuming large amounts of wheat and dairy products.


This is the biggie.  I know, because I used to be THE Dairy Queen.  I consumed anywhere from 1-2 gallons of whole milk a week.  And BTW, skim or 1% milk is worse, because ALL the digestive enzymes are stripped out of it making it IMPOSSIBLE to digest.

Here’s the deal: man was not meant to drink commercial dairy.  Period.  We are supposed drink our mother’s milk when we are born, and IF we choose to drink milk, raw milk cultured with keifer grains so that it contains high levels of probacteria is the best choice.  Or goat’s milk, which is closer to human milk anyway.

Commercial cow’s milk is one of the most CONGESTIVE foods you can put in the body.  IF YOU SUFFER FROM ASTHMA, STOP DRINKING COMMERCIAL COWS MILK TODAY!  It takes 3-6 months for the body to detox from dairy, so be patient.  It may get worse before it get’s better, BUT IT WILL GET BETTER.

wheatWheat is also a highly indigestible food source because we have mutated it to the point where it has 0 digestive enzymes left.  Did you know wheat has 69 chromosomes?  But spelt, the original form of wheat, has only 9?

Yes, we have mutated wheat for agricultural purposes to the point where it turns to complete mucous in the gut.

Wheat and dairy cause the immune system to elicit a cascade once they enter the body.  The immune system says, “I can’t break down these substances, there are no enzymes.  What am I supposed to do with this?”  So instead, it floods the alimentary canal (mouth to anus) with mucous as a way of preventing the absorption of a potentially harmful substance.  The mucous then acts like a sheet of Saran wrap on the intestines, preventing absorption.  Read Dr. Davis’ book Wheat Belly.  It will blow your mind.

And now you have a compromised immune system. Because instead of it doing its job to fight invaders, it’s busy trying to deal with the garbage that it can’t process.

If Judy Trunnell had made changes before she GOT pregnant, she could have reversed these conditions, had a much more pleasant pregnancy, had a stronger constitution and immune system, and avoided getting the swine flu to begin with.

Strength of immunity starts in the gut.  And the stronger your immune system, the less likely you are to fall victim to the swine flu or any other bug.


The CDC said Wednesday that 41 states have confirmed cases of the virus. Illinois has the most confirmed cases, with 122, followed by New York with 97, the CDC said. California has 67, Texas has 61, and Massachusetts has 45, it said.

A full list of states with confirmed cases is the CDC Web site, www.cdc.gov.

7 Simple Ways to Stay Healthy

sneeze I went to the dentist yesterday to get my teeth cleaned, and I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears.

The receptionist, whose desk faces right into the lobby, was coughing and hacking like a TB patient. Imagine my horror when I was asked to move my car from the shared parking space out front, and the same hand used to cover her mouth every 5 minutes when she went into a coughing fit, handed me my keys.   Luckily, I keep a package of antibacterial wipes in my car, which I used to wipe down my hands and keys as soon as I reached the front seat.

It was most disheartening to see a medical professional so unaware of spreading germs and the affect it has on lowering immunity.  ANY kind of infection is a risk because it lowers your resistance to other bacteria and viruses.

All my previous posts about strengthening our own inner world and avoiding fear from the outer world is important.  But part of governing your inner world means being smart about your outer actions:

washing-hands11. Wash your hands as soon as you arrive wherever you’re going.

2. Always carry hand sanitizer. There will be times when you can’t wash your hands.  Or, in my case, when you need to wipe down something that you can’t wash (my car alarm button), in which case antibacterial wipes are even more convenient.

3. If exposed to someone who is sick, immediately dose yourself with 2 packets of emergen c and Oscillococinum. Nothing zaps unwanted microorganisms like vitamin C and Oscillococinum.  And a liquid form of vitamin c means it will immediately hit your blood stream unlike a capsule, which will have to be digested and could take hours.  Plus the liquid form will also flush your system which is also a good idea if you’ve been infected. Oscillococinum is a very effective homeopathic remedy that will work against infection — including the swine flu virus — by stimulating your body’s natural immue system to produce the antibodies you need to fight the infection.  It’s a good idea to have some on hand to take at the first sign of exposure.

4. After exposure, even if you have no symptoms, choose healthy broths, whole foods and nutritious meals for the next 24 to 48 hrs. This will help confirm your health mentally as well as physically, since you will be able to rest easy knowing you are taking good care of yourself to not get sick in the first place.

5. Minimize your consumption of refined sugars, alcohol and highly processed foods, because they will make your system acidic.  Remember, bacteria and viruses thrive in an acidic environment.  Don’t help them along.

sleeper6. Be sure to get a good night’s sleep. Restoring your system with sleep is a great way to nip infection in the bud.

7. Even if you feel fine, take a good multivitamin. A basic multi like Centrum will do the trick.  Remember, we’re trying to keep your immune system strong which is the best way to avoid getting sick.  A good multivitamin will help keep your body stocked with the vitamins it needs to stay healthy.

And by all means, if you do get sick, stay home and take care of yourself until you are better!


press-conference-173The media engines are ramping up hard around this swine flu thing, can you hear the hum?  Having worked on assignment desks in TV newsrooms, I can tell you first hand, this is exactly the kind of story the media loves because it creates the perfect reason for people to tune in: fear.

That’s why it’s SO important to stay grounded in the truth.  Granted, I’m not booking tickets to Cabo any time soon, nor am I planning any trips to the Baja petting zoo.  But it’s important to keep our heads here, and a focused perspective on the truth: YOU control your health, and no body else.

In the words of the immortal Public Enemy, Don’t believe the Hype.

It doesn’t matter what’s going on ‘out there,’ because your mind controls your body, and your spirit controls your mind. What does that really mean? It means your spirit, the part of you that holds your mind and body together, the essense of who you are, the driving force behind your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, is what really controls your mind.  And if you think you are going to get sick, guess what?  You already are.

If the spirit falls into fear, the mind becomes erratic and over active, causing the body to lose its sense of well being and balance.  When the mind is strong and clear, the body can function perfectly to serve as the machinery that puts into actions your thoughts.

Because what you think becomes your reality. Thought preceeds form.  That is why it is SO important to be aware of what you are thinking.

There are three ways I know of to increase your awareness: yoga, meditation and journaling.  Through these three activities I am able to become the observer of my thoughts.  By observing my thoughts I can eliminate the ones that do not serve me and replace them with thoughts that reflect my desires.  That is called being your own alchemist: converting your ‘lead,’ (undesired thoughts) into ‘gold’ (desired thoughts).

man-thinking-fixedDid you know that we have an average of 60,000 thoughts a day?  And, check this, did you know that 99% of the 60,000 thoughts we have today are the same thoughts we had yesterday?  The mind gets into a mental groove.  Unless we consciously pick the wheels up and set them on a new groove we are destined to re-drill the same thoughts over and over.

Habitual thought becomes more frequent as we age.  That’s why it is important to cultivate grounding habits while we are younger.  Those habits will keep us vital if we allow them to follow us into old age.  Here are a few guidelines on how you can start your own practice of observing and then learning how to control and choose your thoughts wisely, which is the best way for the body to stay healthy.


Find yourself a timer, could be a kitchen timer or even a watch, something that will allow you to set a boundary for how long you are going to sit.  A timer is helpful because by setting it to ring, it unhooks you from the concept of time and gives your mind that much more freedom. If you are just starting to practice, five minutes is a good place to start.

Choose a comfortable place to sit in a quiet space, no TV or radio.  Turn off the telephone, or make the commitment not to answer if it rings.   Set your timer for your desired time frame, and close your eyes and take a deep breath.  Start by focusing on your breath, and try not to think about anything.  Now, it’s impossible not to think about anything and as soon as you try to, a bizillion thoughts will emerge!  When this happens, don’t criticize or judge, gently observe the thought and then let it go, watch it pop like a bubble or maybe floating like a leaf down a  stream — and then go back to focusing on your breath.

Let your mind start to feel the inner peace you carry, and let that peace remind you that your mind is powerful beyond your own understanding.  This exercise will help your mind remember that it controls your body, and eventually it will create a wonderful place for you tap into your spirit, which is what controls the mind.


yogaThe practice of yoga is actually designed to bring about a state of meditation.  If you practice yoga you will start to experience this feeling right away.  The asanas (or yoga poses), were documented by yogic teachers (sutras and vedas) many thousands of years ago by observing what the animals did when they became ill.  That’s right, the animals gave us yoga, because all sentient beings inherintly know how to heal themselves.

We are no different.

We just have to get still and quiet long enough to become conscious of the information.

The best way to practice yoga if you are just starting out is with a skilled teacher.    If you feel your immune system is weak or that you may be on the edge of coming down with something, you can practice the restorative poses, which have been shown scientifically to increase T cell count — your fighter cells.


Journaling is such a great way to free yourself from judgment.  Simply sit quietly someplace with paper and pen, and let your self go.  You may at first become aware of your audience (yourself), or who may find the book and read it.  But try to free yourself from other’s eyes and allow yourself to just ‘spew.’  After you finish (you will feel a sense of elation and freedom once you’ve let something go on paper), you may want to put it down and return to it later to observe what you wrote.

It’s in the obersvation phase that you can then start to practice your alcehmy: what is here that i don’t want?  What do I want to change in terms of any hidden beliefs, thoughts or feelings that I may be carrying?  Give yourself permission to write in your journal whenever you want to — it doesn’t have to be every day.  You will be amazed at what you learn about yourself, and what you are carrying.  It is a wonderful tool for self-awareness.


Don’t Cast Your Pearls Before Swine

42-17987013Oh boy, here we go again.  Another news blitz about a flu bug. What are we going to do about this one… lock the doors and windows, cancel our calendars, stay inside and watch CNN while consuming copious amounts of emergen c?

Now a little emergen c is fine.  I recommend it to clients all the time.  But the above scenario does NOT sound like fun.  It sounds like fear.

What is fear? False Evidence Appearing Real.   In my opinion, the most important thing FDR ever said was “Only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” And we need to remember that right now.  Why?

Because there are always going to be bugs in the outer world.  There’s nothing we can do to control that, at all.   So let it go.

Got that?

Let. it. Go.

Remember the serenity prayer? Now would be a good time to realize the swine flu falls into the category of one of those things you can’t change.

Now, let’s focus on what we CAN do.  I’m a CAN-DO kinda gal, so here we go.

What we CAN DO is control our inner world…  that’s one world where we have TOTAL dominion.  Did you catch that word, dominion?  it’s a very powerful word.  Check it out:

Merriam-Webster defines dominion as having  sovereign authority.  Wow.   I like that.

So let’s review.  Outer world: zero control.  Inner world: sovereign authority.  Where do you want to put your focus?  I know where I’m going!

If we want health — which connects to peace, peace to joy, joy to happiness and happiness to abundance — we can only get it one way: by aligning our conscious mind with the tools we have to take responsibility for our health.  What does that mean?  We are given a mind, a body and a spirit to use in whatever ways we see fit.  If we use our powers of discernment, discipline and fortitude we can make choices each day that will strengthen our immune systems instead of tearing it down.

Remember, whether it’s a bacteria, a virus or a cancer cell — it cannot take hold where there is no opportunity.  The catch is, no one can do it for us.  No doctor, lawyer, minister, friend, lover, co-worker, family member.  We have to do it for ourselves, and it’s in the choices we make each day.

Learn how to cultivate your immunity, strike a balance, and then enjoy your life.  It is that simple.  (For more specifics on how to cultivate immunity please read the April 23 post.).

In the meantime, here are a few simple ways you can start to strengthen your overall well being right now:

remote-control1. Turn off your television. If you want information about minimizing your risk of exposure, go to the CDC website and learn the facts from a neutral source instead of the more sensationalized version.   This is an important step in eliminating fear and controlling your thoughts.

2. Always wash your hands and carry hand sanitizer. If you’ve ever worked in a hospital you know there are purell dispensers everywhere — when you can’t wash your hands, using hand sanitizer is the simplest way to prevent the spread of any kind of germs and should be done as a matter of practice anyway.

3. Take a good probiotic. The best way to kill bacteria and viruses if they are in your system is to have your own army at-the-ready.  A good probiotic will always keep you in good standing.

Make choices that will strengthen who you are, not tear you down.

The Swine Flu is no different than any other germ that is floating around in space. Use your power to be strong and build your immunity so there will be no opportunity for it to take hold.  You will have no reason to fear the Swine Flu or any other flu.  It simply won’t be possible.

As we say in Ayurveda, all healing happens in the mind, because the mind is where we make choices about our behavior.  So we start today by controlling our thoughts.  Remember, the mind controls the body, the spirit controls the mind.

Take your power, take dominion over your world.

Peace and Blessings.